Understanding the current standings table

New to Finnmarksløpet (the Finnmark Race)? Confused by the current standings table? Fret no more. We will explain it all to you. For our international followers, understanding the current standings table may be a bit tricky as it is only presented in Norwegian. This article aims to explain key features of the table in order to allow you to get an overall understanding of what goes on during the race.

We will try to explain this
We will try to explain this

Left column, grey number: This shows the respective teams’ start times from race start in Alta

House image on top of table: Each house symbol represents a checkpoint. If you allow your pointer to hover over one of them, you will see the name of that checkpoint and how many kilometers it is from Alta to that checkpoint. The distances also appear at the bottom of the table. You may also see comments about ‘hviletid’; that is mandatory rest time that must be taken at that checkpoint. (Applies in particular to FL-junior and FL-500).

Blue line with white number on: Indicates what position the respective teams had when arriving at the various checkpoints; white numbers correspond vertically to checkpoints.

White number on green background means that the musher is currently resting at that checkpoint.

Black number on yellow background indicates that the musher and the dog team are en route between two checkpoints.

Black ‘x’ on red background indicates that the musher has scratched at that checkpoint and is out of the race.

If you click on a musher’s name, you will get a page overview over all race data for that musher. If you then click on the blue word ‘Presentasjon’ immediately below the musher’s name, you will see their race profile page.

Above the list of mushers and checkpoints, you will find a series of words in blue, with a black line above and below. All these words can be clicked on.

‘Status’ is the default position and refers to the overall view of current standings.

‘Løype’ means trail. If you click this link, you will see an overview over checkpoints and the distances between them. (‘Tot.distanse refers to accumulated distance.)

‘Deltakere’ means participants. If you click this link, you will get a list over all participants in that class of the race (FL-1200/500/junior), what country and place they are from and also their status; whether they are veteran or rookie.

‘Siste sjekkpunkt’ means ‘last checkpoint’. Here you will see an overview over status as per last/current checkpoint of that race. It also shows accumulated running time for each team as well as their respective resting times and accumulated time spent.

‘Resultatliste’ refers to the final list of results and will only appear once the race is over.

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