Elisabeth wins the FL-Junior

Vinner av Finnmarksløpet Junior 2024. Foto av Marit Leinan Abrahamsen

Elisabeth Kristensen won both the Finnmarksløpet Junior and thus also received the title as Norwegian champion when she crossed the finish line in Alta on Sunday morning at 1.40pm. Elisabeth was met by a large group of family, friends and the audience who were present who shared the joy of the great achievement of completing 200 kilometers together with 6 of her four-legged friends.

At no time this year has the Finnmarksløpet Junior been a race where the winner has been easily predicted, which was clearly evident when veteran Elisabeth Kristensen and rookie Linus Wingren started from the last checkpoint Jotka 2 two minutes apart on their way to the finish line! With just under 49 kilometers to go, the youngsters set off for a very close and exciting race. With her victory, Elisabeth becomes the winner for the second year in a row in the Finnmarksløpet Junior, and is titled Norwegian champion. Last year she won the title of world champion during the WC. Linus Wingren (17 years old) makes a great performance as a rookie with a second place in his first Finnmark race. Linus is a first-time musher, and went out of the center of Alta 10 minutes before his experienced father Ronny Wingren, who mushed out in the 600 class following his sons footsteps. Linus crossed the finish line just minutes after Elisabeth.

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