Petter Karlsson is the winner of FL-1200

Petter Karlsson kom inn som vinner av FL-1200. Bilde av Marit Leinan Abrahamsen

Petter Karlsson is the winner of the Finnmarksløpet 1200 for the second year in a row, and winner of the race for the 4th time in total! Only Tunheim and Engholm have more wins than Karlsson in this class.

He has now completed the Finnmarksløpet a total of 7 times. Petter came in on Friday at 22.24 in lonely majesty, with a several-hour-long lead down to the next participant. He is a perfectionist in the context of competition, and throughout this year’s competition has shown a formidable structure and execution ability despite demanding conditions and an extended course. We congratulate Petter on his victory in the FL-1200!

Second place in the FL-1200 and Norwegian champion in the open class has not yet been chosen. Right now Niklas Rogne and Roger Dahl is fighting for second place in the FL-1200.

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