Program 2025

Thursday, March 13th
SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge Start banquet 2025, Scandic
20:00 – 23:00 Entertainment and presentation of all mushers.

Friday, March 14th
START FINNMARKSLØPET 1200, Markedsgata, Alta Center
11:30 – 11:45 While we wait – entertainment.
11:45 – 12:00 Official opening Finnmarksløpet 2025
12:00 – 13:30 START FL-1200 (junior and 600 starts Saturday, March 9th. See further down in the program)
Participants start with a two-minute interval.

Saturday, March 15th
START junior and 600, Markedsgata, Alta Center
12:30 – 13:00 While we wait – entertainment.
13:00 – 14:30 START FL-junior and FL-600

Participants start with one minute intervals.

Sunday, March 16th
15:00 – 23:00 Expected finish for FL-junior, Markedsgata, Alta center.

Monday, March 17th
11:00 – 11:30 Price winning ceremony for FL-junior, Markedsgata, Alta center.

Tuesday, March 18th
06:00 – 10:00. Expected finish for winner of FL-600, Markedsgata, Alta Center.
06:00 – all day. Finishers FL-600, Markedsgata, Alta Center.

Wednesday March 19th
All day. Finishers FL-600.
18:00 – 19:00 Price winning ceremony for FL-600, Markedsgata, Alta Center.
20:00 – 23:00 Scandic Hotel Altas closing banquet for FL-600, at Scandic Hotel Alta.

In 2025, all Finnmarksløpet’s tickets for banquet will be sold digitally. The sale starts on Monday 17th March precisely at 12.00. A link to the sale will be posted both on Facebook and on exactly at 12.00 Monday 17th March.

Friday, March 21th
Approximately 01:00 -18:00 Expected finish for winner of FL-1200, Markedsgata, Alta Center.
01:00 – all day. Finishers FL-1200, Markedsgata, Alta Center.

Saturday, March 22th
All day. Finishers FL-1200.
18:00 – 19:00 Price winning ceremony for FL-1200, Markedsgata, Alta Center.
20:00 – 02:00 Closing banquet for Finnmarksløpet 2025, Scandic hotel Alta. Participants, handlers, volunteers, partners, press, guests, and others.

In 2025, all Finnmarksløpet’s tickets for banquet will be sold digitally. The sale starts on Monday 17th March precisely at 12.00. A link to the sale will be posted both on Facebook and on exactly at 12.00 Monday 17th March.

This is a temporary program, minor changes will occour.