

We recommend you to read through the information below, as well as each participant’s obligate to familiarize yourself with the NHFs rules and the race rules.


Finnmarksløpet is a challenging long-distance race. It is a race that demands a lot from you and your dog team. To be able to start, you, equipment and dog team must meet the requirements set out in the regulations. This means that it is a prerequisite that you start with dogs that are sufficiently prepared, conditioned and otherwise suitable to be able to compete under the prevailing conditions, and within the time frames that have been set.

General information

The starting fee covers the service at all stations, compulsory pre race check carried out by our race veterinarians in Alta before race starts, banquets (excluding beverages) and straw and custody bags for all depots. Mushers can bring one handler for free at the start and finishing banquets.

Entrants from Norway must show valid starting license for NHF at registration before the race. This can be paid at Finnmarksløp registration office.

Entrants who dosen‘t sort under a Norwegian dog sled club must provide a license from their home country and show it at the registration office before race start. Alternative is to have an insurance that applies to the race. Norwegian license is limited valid for foreign participants. All participants must buy a Norwegian license to be allowed to participate in races in Norway. One-time license costs 200,- Nok, Jr 13-17 years 50,- Nok.

For more information and questions about registration contact:
Trond Anton Andersen +47 900 81 519. E-mail:

Registration FL-junior

It is very important to read through, as well as understand the content of the text below before completing the online registration form.

  • Starting fee is 3.000 NOK.
  • The lower age limit in the FL-junior is 15 years of age the calendar year starts, the upper age limit is not older than 18 years the calendar year the race starts. In 2025 the start day is 15th of March.
  • To start the FL junior, the participant must have fulfilled a long distance race of at least 100 kilometers with at least one checkpoint. Participants who have not fulfilled qualification requirements upon registration must make sure to send documentation on the qualification completed within 20th February 2025. The documentation is sent to
  • In order for the registration to be approved and posted on our website, a registration fee of NOK 1,000 must be paid during signup. Registration fee is part of the total starting fee, but is not refunded upon cancellation.
  • Deadline for enrollment at the FL-junior is by 15th February 2025. Deadline for being in the draw of starting number is 30th September. Deadline for payment of the entire start fee is February 15th 2025. If entrant withdrawal from the race within 15th December 2024, a refunded of 50 % of the starting fee will be done. After 15th December = no refund will be done. Entrants can check out own holiday and leisure insurance.
  • Rules for FL-junior can be found here. Please note that changes may occur.
  • For more information.

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Registration FL-600

It is very important to read through, as well as understand the content of the text below before completing the online registration form.

  • Starting fee for 2024 is 7.500 NOK.
  • The age limit for participation is 18 years. In 2025 the start date is 15th of March.
  • To start the FL-600, the participant must meet qualification requirements for Finnmarksløpets open class (FL-1200), or have completed a long-distance race of at least 150 kilometers with at least one checkpoint within the last three seasons. Participants who have not fulfilled qualification requirements when signing up must make sure to send documentation on the qualification completed within 20th February 2025. The documentation is sent to
  • In order for the registration to be approved and posted on our website, registration fee of 2,000 NOK must be paid during signup. Registration fee is part of the total starting fee, but is not refunded upon cancellation. If the participant is unable to start the race due to the high number of participants, the entire start-up fee will be refunded.
  • Deadline for signing up is by 30th November 2024. Deadline for being in the lottery draw of starting number is 30th September. Deadline for payment of the entire start fee is 30th November 2024. It is possible to apply for entry later than 30th November. This must be send to
  • If entrant withdrawal from the race within 15th December 2024, a refunded of 50 % of the starting fee will be done. After 15th December, no refund will be done. Entrants can check out own holiday and leisure insurance.
  • Rules for the FL-600 can be found here. Please note that changes may occur.
  • For more information:

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Registration FL-1200

It is very important to read through, as well as understand the content of the text below before completing the online registration form.

  • Starting fee for 2025 is 15.000 NOK.
  • The age limit for participation is 18 years. In 2025 the start day is 14th of March.
  • To start the FL-1200, participants must have completed Finnmarksløpet 500/600, Femundløpet 600/650, Bergebyløpet 650, Gold Rush Run 501 or a similar long distance race of at least 500 kilometers with at least one checkpoint within the last five seasons. Participants who have fulfilled the FL-1000/1200 is qualified for FL-1200 in 8 seasons from the year the race was fulfilled. This rule is valid for all who has fulfilled FL-1000/FL-1200 in 2015 or later. Participants who have not fulfilled qualification requirements when signing up must make sure to send documentation on the qualification completed within 20th February 2025. The documentation is sent to
  • In order for the registration to be approved and posted on our website, a registration fee of 2,000 NOK must be paid during signup. Registration fee is part of the total starting fee, but is not refunded upon cancellation. If the participant is unable to start the race due to the high number of participants, the entire start-up fee will be refunded.
  • Deadline for signing up is by 30th November 2024. Deadline for being in the lottery draw of starting number is 30th September. Deadline for payment of the entire start fee is 30th November 2024. It is possible to apply for entry later than 30th November. This must be send to
  • If entrant withdrawal from the race within 15th December 2024, a refunded of 50 % of the starting fee will be done. After 15th December = no refund will be done. Entrants can check out own holiday and leisure insurance.
  • Regulations for FL-1200 can be found here. Please note that changes may occur.
  • For more information.

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