Kategori: Top News
Ronny Wingren wins FL-600!
Ronny Wingren is the winner of Finnmarksløpet’s 600 class 2024! Under the soft morning light on Wednesday at 08.24, Ronny drove over the finish line to cheers from the crowd. With wet snow, track changes and an unusual amount of mushing on the river, this years Finnmarksløp has been a demanding race for both dogs…
Change of trail for FL-600
Due to unsafe ice on the river Váljohka, the trail for FL-600 must be changed. FL-600 will no follow the same route as FL-1200 between Karasjok and Levajok. Mushers that have left Jergul will be noticed and Trail breakers has now changed the markings off the trail.
Elisabeth wins the FL-Junior
Elisabeth Kristensen won both the Finnmarksløpet Junior and thus also received the title as Norwegian champion when she crossed the finish line in Alta on Sunday morning at 1.40pm. Elisabeth was met by a large group of family, friends and the audience who were present who shared the joy of the great achievement of completing…
The Juniors and 600s are out!
At last all the dog sled teams are out in Finnmarksløpet 2024! This year’s race is the 43rd edition of the Finnmarksløpet. On Saturday 09 March, 6 juniors and 68 participants in the 600 class started from the finish line in the main street in Alta. This start, too, went like clockwork. With a few…
Watch livestreaming here
Here you can follow the Finnmarksløpet live from the start of FL-Junior and FL-600 from 12.30! They are off from Alta at 13.00! NRK NRK will broadcast live from the start of FL-Junior and FL-600! This is the link to the live broadcast (it activates at 12.30): https://www.nrk.no/finnmarkslopet/folg-starten-pa-600-km-klassen-her-1.16797110?fbclid=IwAR15lURoeWOooNKDntUlj5TCb5jnbkOePQJzcx7VIOgW1m2FuWjRy-jHnyY Until then and throughout the race, you…
The race is on!
Finnmarksløpet 2024 is finally on! This years race is the 43rd edition of the Finnmarksløpet. The start from Alta went like clockwork, and an estimated 3,000 happy people turned up to cheer the drivers and dogs on in the warm weather. The dog teams went out like pearls on a string without any kinks, but…
Registration and info for 2024
As always, we publish changes for next year’s race just before registration opens. In this article, we will present information and changes for Finnmarksløpet 2024. Registration will be opens from 15th September at 18.00. Finnmarksløpet starts in week 10. The rules surrounding the registration itself have not been changed. For the senior classes, it is possible to sign…
Clever Move at Critical Race Moment Gave Victory
Petter Karlsson and his strong-running Alaskan huskies today took the clearest victory ever in the FL-1200 Finnmark Race and with that, they secured the World Championship gold medal for long distance sleddog racing. That happened after a clever move on-trail at the Ifjord Mountain when 250 kilometers remained of the race. The Swedish children’s song…
Vinner FL-1200 ventet i mål fredag morgen
Petter Karlsson er første kjører ut fra sjekkpunkt Karasjok i kveld. Ekspert Trond Ørslien tror svensken holder høyere hastighet de siste 132 kilometerne inn til Alta sentrum enn fjorårets vinner. Det kan bety tidlig målgang fredag. Klokken 21.35 i kveld kan Petter Karlsson kjøre ut fra sjekkpunkt Karasjok. 2022-vinner Thomas Wærner kjørte ut fra det…
Kristensen hvilte på fjellet
Steinar Kristensen hvilte på sporet på fjellet mellom sjekkpunkt Varangerbotn og Levajok 2. Dermed økte Petter Karlsson sin ledelse. Disse to er i skrivende stund de enste som har forlatt sjekkpunkt Levajok 2. Med 215 kilometer igjen å kjøre strammer det seg til i tetkampen i FL-1200. Ved sjekkpunkt Varangerbotn var det svært jevnt mellom…