Trail description

Contestant info > Trail description

Trail description FL-1200

1Start AltaKautokeino168
3JergulLevajok 1122
4Levajok 1Tana bru100
5Tana bruNeiden 1100
6Neiden 1Øvre Pasvik78
7Øvre PasvikKirkenes86
8KirkenesNeiden 271
9Neiden 2Varangerbotn82
10VarangerbotnLevajok 2121
11Levajok 2Karasjok83
13JotkaFinish Alta49

Alta (Start) – Kautokeino approx. 168 km

The start is from Alta city center down to Alta river, which you then follow about 16 km. At “the old restart” on the river at Sorissniva, the trail leave the river and crosses the road after approx. 3-400 m. Further across a plot and into the pine forest to a new clear crossroad. A steep rise in the terrain up against Peska. When the trail is right up to the car road almost on top, it takes southeastwards towards the Beskades area. Several smaller lakes passes and is partly hilly with open areas and some birch forest.

When Finnmarksløpet’s trail hits the snowmobile trail on Beskades, it is completely open south to the area of ​​Suolovuobmi. New crossing and opportunity for dog drop. The trail continues right up to Mieron after public snowmobile trail. An old mountain lodge, Biggeluobbal, passes 25 km after Suolovuobmi and 30 km later you are in Mieron. Here the trail goes a short way on the road before it enters the terrain and eventually meets a new public snowmobile trail until Kautokeino. From Suolovuobmi the trail has gone in birch forest and in almost flat terrain all the way, only interrupted by three short open parties.

Kautokeino – Jergul approx. 101 km

From the checkpoint in Kautokeino to the checkpoint in Jergul, the trail follow river, lakes  and public snowmobile trail almost the entire way, interrupted by a few places where the trail takes off due to safety reasons, under bridges instead of over the road.

Jergul – Levajok 1 approx. 122 km

The trail is still on public snowmobile trail which also follows Iesjohka – Karasjohka and Tanaelva right up to checkpoint Levajok. Karasjok, which is the checkpoint on return, passes on the river below the bridge just next to Karasjok center.

Levajok – Tana bru approx. 100 km

From Levajok the trail goes 5 km after the river and than straight up to the high mountain. A sharp rise to above the tree line. From the highest point, it is quite flat terrain over several lakes until you reach the birch forest again approx. halfway to Tana bru. The area is weather hard and it often blows a lot.

Tana Bru – Neiden 1 approx. 101 km

The first part is on Tana river a few km, then reasonably flat and small in forest, right up to the Neiden mountain lodge. More lakes passes. The two largest are Diergijavri and Gallotjavri. During the first half the trail goes quite close to the E6 road a few km and the sea can be seen on a bright day. This is also the only place where the snow can be blown away approx. 2-3 km. Long stretches follow public scooter trail.

Neiden 1 – Øvre Pasvik approx. 78 km

Beautiful and old pine forest, hilly and above Pasvik highest point Radjoaivi and along the border to Finland before arriving Neiden again.
Checkpoint is located at Øvre Pasvik Camping near Vaggatem. No access for handlers and follow cars.

Øvre Pasvik – Kirkenes approx. 86 km

The trail continues up Pasvik river and in pine forrest. Mostly flat terrain. Large sections follow the public snowmobile trail and the patrol track for the army. Some steep hills in over Grensefjellet and Georgvasstoppen near Kirkenes.
Checkpoint is located in Kirkenes town with and safe and well organized trail int to the town centre.

Kirkenes – Neiden 2 approx. 78 km

A mix of highland terrain with som hills, lakes and rivers.

Neiden 2 – Varangerbotn approx. 82 km

Mostly all the way to the Karlebotn area is the same trail as on the way to Neiden 1. In Karlebotn, the trail goes quite close to the E6 road and it varies year by year whether the trail goes over the sea or follows the public trail until the checkpoint in Varangerbotn.

Varangerbotn – Levajok II approx. 121 km

The trail goes straight back to Levajok without going through Sirbma as a checkpoint. This means that the trail already at Båteng enters the mountain and hits the same trail as on the way to Kirkenes and which is followed to Levajok 2. Large parts are high mountain and hard. The first part from Varangerbotn is the small hilly birch forest and Tanaelva up to Hillagurra / Båteng.

Levajok 2 – Karasjok approx. 83 km

Same run on Tana river up to Karasjok river and up to under bridge where the trail takes off and passes through the center up to Scandic Hotel where it is the checkpoint and the last compulsory rest.

Karasjok – Jotka approx. 83 km

From checkpoint and up Karasjok river approx. 12 km to Assebakte. During bridges up to public scooter trails which are almost fully followed to Alta. The trail goes mostly in the high mountains and the weather can be difficult in this area. Two lodges are passed. Ravnastua and Mollisjok. Both lodges are open and serviced but not checkpoints or drops. Jotka Mountain Lodge is the last checkpoint.

Jotka – Finish in Alta approx. 49 km

Public scooter trail most of the stretch right down to Detsika, approx. 30 km. The first part is open mountain terrain. Further down comes the birch forest, which is replaced by pine forest. It is steeply down from Detsika to Alta river. The trail comes down to the river at Sorissniva and the river is followed down to the city center and the goal. About. 16 km. No man’s land is from the bridge in Øvre Alta. Driving in to the finish line is the same as the one driving out from the start, i.e. the opposite way from previous years.


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Trail description FL-600

1Start AltaKautokeino168
6JotkaFinish Alta49

Alta (Start) – Kautokeino approx. 168 km

The start is from Alta city center down to Alta river, which you then follow about 16 km. At “the old restart” on the river at Sorissniva, the trail leave the river and crosses the road after approx. 3-400 m. Further across a plot and into the pine forest to a new clear crossroad. A steep rise in the terrain up against Peska. When the trail is right up to the car road almost on top, it takes southeastwards towards the Beskades area. Several smaller lakes passes and is partly hilly with open areas and some birch forest.

When Finnmarksløpet’s trail hits the snowmobile trail on Beskades, it is completely open south to the area of ​​Suolovuobmi. New crossing and opportunity for dog drop. The trail continues right up to Mieron after public snowmobile trail. An old mountain lodge, Biggeluobbal, passes 25 km after Suolovuobmi and 30 km later you are in Mieron. Here the trail goes a short way on the road before it enters the terrain and eventually meets a new public snowmobile trail until Kautokeino. From Suolovuobmi the trail has gone in birch forest and in almost flat terrain all the way, only interrupted by three short open parties.

Kautokeino – Jergul approx. 100 km

From the checkpoint in Kautokeino to the checkpoint in Jergul, the river, lakes and public snowmobile trail are followed, in all directions, only interrupted by a few places where the trails takes off due to safety reasons. Such as crossroads that are under bridge instead of over the road. Still the same trail as the FL-1200.

Jergul – Levajok approx. 127 km

The trail follows the rivers Lesjohka, Karasjohka down to Karasjok. Then a mix terrain of lowland forrest, swamp areas, lakes and some mountain areas. Mark, the last part can be pretty tough. It is also a long leg between checkpoints.

Levajok – Karasjok approx. 83 km

River run up all the way to Karasjok where the trail takes off and passes through the center up to Scandic Hotel where it is the checkpoint and the last compulsory rest.

Karasjok – Jotka approx. 82 km

From checkpoint and up Karasjok river approx. 12 km. to Assebakte. Under bridge up to public snowmobile trail which are almost fully followed to Alta. The trail goes mostly in the high mountains and weather can be difficult in this area. Two lodges are passed. Ravnastua and Mollisjok. Both lodges are open and serviced but not checkpoints or drops. Jotka Mountain Lodge is the last checkpoint.

Jotka – Finish in Alta approx. 49 km

Public snowmobile trail most of the stretch right down to Detsika, approx. 30 km. The first part is open mountain range. Further down comes the birch forest, which is replaced by pine forest. It is steeply down from Detsika to Alta river. The trail comes down to the river at Sorissniva and the river is followed down to the center and the goal, approx. 16 km. No man’s land is from the bridge in Øvre Alta. Driving in to the finish line is the same as the one driving out from the start, i.e. the opposite road from previous years.


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Trail description FL-junior

1Start AltaJotka 149
2Jotka 1Suossjavre53
3SuossjavreJotka 248
4Jotka 2Finish Alta59

Alta (Start) – Jotka 1 approx. 49 km

The starting point is Alta city center. From here the trail goes down to Aronnes before crossing a relatively significant county road, which of course has guards, and from there on to Altaelva, a few kilometers or so below the bridges and campsites in Øvre Alta. We’ll follow the river up until we reach Sorrisniva bridge. Here is the tourism company “Sorrisniva” with restaurant, and the famous Ice hotel.

From Sorrisniva, after driving underneath the bridge, there is an old tractor road up to Detsika. In total, it carries up 3.5 km with an increase of more than 300 m. At the top of the climb we cross over the marked dog trail. We drive over the Langvann and up past the Bollobekken to Gamasvannet. 170 m up on approx. 3 km. We are now in the blue marked winter trail. On top of Gamasvarre we change tracks before we drive down to Sivertvannet. We have now come up with the actual platau. Over the Joatavavans and into the lodge where there is a checkpoint.

The first part of the stretch, along the river up to the edge, is in woods and is partly protected from the weather. From Gamasvannet and to the checkpoint there are mountain parties that can be hard weather.

Jotka mountain lodge

Has status as a wilderness checkpoint. Water, straw and opportunity to stay in warm tents or rooms.

Jotka 1 – Suossjavri, Iesjavre approx. 53 km

From Jotka we follow the main route track southwards, after approx. 10 km we enter Finnmark’s largest lake, Lesjavre. After approx. 10 km. flat driving on the ice we have crossed the lake. Then we drive more or less on Izquok, a little mile southeast until we reach the Øvre Mollisjok Mountain lodge. The lodge is not a checkpoint, but a cozy mountain room where you can buy a soda during the daytime. Just after the lodge, it carries south, on the shores of Jutland for the most part. We follow the skier trail up to the control station at the old lodge in the south end of Suossjavre, just off the road between Karajok and Gievdnegoika.

Stretch from Joatka to Mollisjok Fjellstue is one of the most weather-hard stretches of the whole race. Stretch along the river from Mollisjok and to Suossjavre goes into the river valley and is relatively protected in terms of weather – except for the actual Suossjavre lake where it can blow freshly

Suossjavre mountain lodge

SUOSSJAVRE mountain lodge is one of the old institutions on the platau and also in Finnmarksløpet. Here is the depot station, straw to the dogs and cold water. For the riders it is possible to stretch a bit down and to have something to eat.

Suossjavri – Jotka 2, ragis approx. 48 km

From the lodge, the trail goes down to the river Vuoddashokka, we turn left over the river and follow the river a short distance until we have passed a slaughterhouse on the right hand. Here we drive on land and follow the marshes west of Rittavarri up to Ahkarjavri. From here we follow the crossroads further north over Ragesluobbalat and on to Ragesjavri. We follow the west bank of the water – and out of the water in the narrow arm of the northwest. Then it travels north over marshes and small waters west of Rahpesvarri until we dump into Iesjavri in Silljoluokta. Then it is along the west bank of Iesjavri to Vahttaluotka, here we find the trail used by all classes between Mollisjok and Jotka.

Jotka mountain lodge

Jotka 2 also has status as a wilderness checkpoint. Water, straw and opportunity to stay in warm tents or rooms.

Jotka 2 – Finish in Alta approx. 59 km

The trail here is the same as on start with the exception of the actual trail in to Alta center. We drive in to the goal the same way as we drove out.


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