Finnish Victory in the RNB Class

The World Champion title in the FL-600 RNB Class (pure-breed dogs) went to Finland. Matti Salmi ran one of the 14 participating RNB teams to a sovereign victory in the RNB class.

The smiling Finn finished a rock solid race with his Siberian huskies and finished as #6 in the overall FL-600 race.

– It was an emotionally strong exerience for me. However, it is probably worse for my wife, who will now have to live with me referring to myself as the world champion, he says with a huge grin on his face.

This is FL-600 RNB:

The teams of the RNB class compete side-by-side with the Alaskan husky teams in the FL-600 race. RNB stands for Registered Nordic Breed, and in this class we find pure-breed polar dogs such as Siberian husky, samoyed, Greenland dogs and Alaskan malamute. This year, the class consists of Siberian huskies.

Matti Salmi has participated in the Finnmark Race five times and completed the race in all of them. His best placement until today was 10th place. Now, he finished 6th in the FL-600.

– Becoming a world champion and winning the RNB class is great, and so is finishing 6th in the FL-600, he says.

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